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 © John Clarke 2014-2024, All Rights Reserved

John Clarke

Historian of Brookwood Cemetery

My Books

All my books are illustrated and listed below.

Click on the relevant links (or on a book cover) to find out more.

The Brookwood Necropolis Railway

Currently in its 4The Brookwood Necropolis Railway by John Clarketh edition, this was my first book, originally published in 1983 by the Oakwood Press, and still in print.

The Brookwood Necropolis Railway is a factual account of the railway funeral service which served Brookwood Cemetery from 1854 to 1941. Over the years this book has become the standard history of this fascinating subject.

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The Bisley Camp Branch Line

The Bisley Camp Branch Line by John Clarke and Peter HardingMy second book, compiled with Peter Harding, who has written a large number of branch line histories, with all the covers designed by Peter.

The Bisley Camp Branch Line is an account of the railway which served Bisley Camp. It usually operated during shooting events only. During the First and Second World Wars the branch was extended to serve the many military camps in the area

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The Columbarium

TThe Columbarium, Brookwood Cemetery by John Clarke and Erkin Guneyhis book, compiled with Erkin Guney, was published by Brookwood Park Limited in 2010.

The Columbarium is a history of the Columbarium at Brookwood Cemetery, and was compiled to celebrate the centenary of the building’s ownership by the cemetery.


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The Glades of Remembrance

The Glades of Remembrance, Brookwood Cemetery by Brian Parsons, Erkin Guney and John ClarkeThis book, compiled with Brian Parsons and Erkin Guney, was published by Brookwood Park Limited in 2010.

The Glades of Remembrance is a history of the Glades, and was compiled to celebrate the restoration of the lake in the Glades by the Guney family. The booklet also marked the 60th anniversary of the Glades.


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An Introduction to Brookwood Cemetery

ThisIntroduction to Brookwood Cemetery by John Clarke book, now in its 3rd edition, was published 2019. It originally appeared in 1992, sponsored by the late Ramadan Guney, when the Brookwood Cemetery Society was founded.

An Introduction to Brookwood Cemetery is a brief guide to some of the interesting graves which may be found in the cemetery.


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London’s Necropolis:

A Guide to Brookwood Cemetery

London's Necropolis 2This book was first published in 2004 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the cemetery. It has been extensively revised and updated and was re-issued by Stenlake Publishing in 2018.

London’s Necropolis: A Guide to Brookwood Cemetery describes the history, art and architecture of Brookwood Cemetery.


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Brookwood’s Mausolea

The Columbarium, Brookwood Cemetery by John Clarke and Erkin GuneyBrookwood’s Mausolea is a pictorial survey of all the surviving mausolea at Brookwood Cemetery, and is fully illustrated, largely in colour.

This book was published in 2021.


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Norwood and the Great War by Peter Hodgkinson and John ClarkeNorwood and the Great War

The result of much painstaking research and co-authored by the noted military historian Peter Hodgkinson, this new 400-page full-colour volume Norwood and the Great War – Reflections on Military and Social History is now available from the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, price £15.00 (plus postage). It covers the lives of 595 servicemen or women who died either during, or after the war of service-related conditions, 27 who served and died well after the war, and 16 civilians with WW1 connections.


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The Brookwood Military Cemeteries

The Columbarium, Brookwood Cemetery by John Clarke and Erkin GuneyThe Brookwood Military Cemeteries is is survey of all the military burial grounds maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the American Battle Monuments Commission. Each section is illustrated.

This book was published in 2023.


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In Preparation:

West Norwood Cemetery and the Second World War by Peter Hodgkinson and John Clarke

West Norwood Cemetery and the Second World War

A follow-up volume to Norwood and the Great War and co-authored by the noted military historian Peter Hodgkinson, this new full-colour volume guide is currently being compiled. It will be published in due course by the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery. It will be of a similar format to its companion volume, although it is expected to be much shorter.


Further details will appear here in due course.

Books - John Clarke