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 © John Clarke 2014-2022, All Rights Reserved

John Clarke

Historian of Brookwood Cemetery

Brookwood Burials

This page provides links to some of the famous and interesting burials that have taken place at Brookwood Cemetery. Note that this is a selected list, based on my ongoing research into the cemetery and its history.

See also the site map which includes links to various restoration projects.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Alexis Aladin

Arthur Cates

The Barcelona Air Disaster: 50 years on

Battle of Britain pilots buried at Brookwood

Brookwood Russia Memorial

Charles Bradlaugh

Charles George Nottage

Charles Warne

Churches using Brookwood Cemetery


Cyril Frisby VC

Daniel Beak VC

Edgar Inkson VC

Edith Thompson

St Edward the Martyr

Edward Enfield

The Fernhurst Air Disaster: 50 Years On

The First burials at Brookwood: November 1854

Sir Fortunatus Dwarris

Corporal Frederick Edmund Channell

Frederick Robert Spofforth

Gustav von Franck

Henry Cornish

Hogg family grave

Horace Martineau VC

Horatia Nelson Johnson: Nelson’s Grand-daughter

HS2 Reburials

Institutions using Brookwood Cemetery

James Case

Jane Hammond

James Hollowell VC

John Lynch

John Macpherson

John Sherwood-Kelly VC

Dr John Henry Trouncer

Police Sergeant Leonard Carter

Matthew F M Meiklejohn VC

Muslim Soliders at Brookwood Cemetery

The Perpignan air disaster 1963

Peter Geoffrey Morris

Ramadan H Guney

Richard Ansdell

Robert Nisbet Bain

Robert Radclyffe Dolling

Ross Mangles VC

Rupert Hallowes VC

St Peter’s Walworth Reburials

Samuel Prentice QC

Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Goldfinch KCB

Syed Ameer Ali

Sir Vincent Raven

Thomas Hawksley

Tom Jackson Carlisle

VCs at Brookwood Cemetery

William Addison VC

William Ewart Lockhart

William Kenny VC

William Reynolds VC

Wallace Duffield Wright VC

William Smyth

William Stewart Ross

Brookwood Burials - John Clarke