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John Clarke

Historian of Brookwood Cemetery

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Aberdeen Granite Industry

About Me

Addison, William VC

Aladin, Alexis  

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf

Ameer Ali, Syed

Ansdell, Richard

Around Woking (book review)



Bain, Robert Nisbet

Barcelona Air Disaster (1959)

Battle of Britain pilots buried at Brookwood

Beak, Daniel VC

Bisley Camp Branch Line

Book Reviews


British & Commonwealth War Cemeteries (book review)

Brookwood Cemetery

Bradlaugh, Charles

Brookwood Cemetery: A Journey Through Time (article)

Brookwood Cemetery in the Woking History Journal

Brookwood Necropolis Railway (current edition)

Brookwood Necropolis Railway (3rd edition)

Brookwood Necropolis Railway (2nd edition)

Brookwood Necropolis Railway (1st edition)

Brookwood Russia Memorial  

Brookwood’s Mausolea (book)

Brookwood Military Cemeteries (book)

Burial Acts

Byfleet Heritage Society


Carlisle, Tom Jackson

Carter, Leonard

Case, James

Cates, Arthur

Celebrating Churchill  

Cemeteries: far From the Madding Crowd

Centenary of the CWGC (exhibition at Brookwood)

Channell, Frederick Edmon

Character Appraisal for the West Norwood Conservation Area (2017)

Churches using Brookwood Cemetery


Columbarium, emergency repairs (2009-10)

Committed to the Cleansing Flame (book review)

Cornish, Henry  

The Corpses at Waterloo (book review)


Criminal Justice (book review)


Death, Disease and Damnation

Death Redesigned (book review)

Demise of the Necropolis Railway (1941)

Dolling, Fr Robert Radclyffe  

Drake Mausoleum, Emergency Repairs (2007)

Dwarris, Sir Fortunatus


St Edward the Martyr and the St Edward Brotherhood

Emergency repairs tp the Columbarium (2009-10)

Emergency Repairs to the Drake Mausoleum (2007)

Encyclopedia of Cremation (book review)

Enfield, Edward


Falkiner, Elaine, rescuing (1995-97)

Fernhurst Air Disaster (1967)

Final Journey (book review)

First Burials at Brookwood (November 1854)

Franck, Gustav von

Frisby, Cyril VC

From Dust to Ashes (book review)


Glades of Remembrance (Brookwood Cemetery)

Goldfinch, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry

Guney, Ramadan H


Hallowes, Rupert VC

Hammond, Jane   

Hartley, Edmund Baron VC

Hawksley, Thomas

Hogg family grave

Hollowell, James VC

HS2 Reburials  


Inkson, Edgar VC

Introduction to Brookwood Cemetery (3rd edition)

Introduction to Brookwood Cemetery (2nd edition)

Introduction to Brookwood Cemetery (1st edition)

Institutions using Brookwood Cemetery


Johnson, Horatia Nelson

J H Kenyon Lecture (2017)


Kenny, William VC



Lectures (earlier)

Letter to the Woking Advertiser (December 2014)

                    Lockhart, William Ewart

London Cemeteries (4th edition, book review)

London Cemeteries (6th edition, book review)

London Cemeteries in Old Photographs (book review)

London Month of the Dead (lecture, 2017)

London’s Dead (book review)

London’s Necropolis: A Guide to Brookwood Cemetery (1st edition)

London’s Necropolis: A Guide to Brookwood Cemetery (current edition)

London Necropolis Company Acts

The London Way of Death (book review)

Lynch, John


Mackonochie, Alexander Heriot

Macpherson, John

Mangles, Ross VC

Martineau, Horace VC

Mausolea at Brookwood (book)

Maxse, Sir Henry F B

 Meiklejohn, Major Matthew Fountaine Maury VC

Memorials for Restoration at Brookwood Cemetery (2000)

Military Cemeteries (book)

The Missing Muslims from Horsell Common

Morris, Peter

Muslim Soldiers at Brookwood Cemetery


Necropolis: London and its Dead (book review)

Necropolitan Line

Nelson Johnson, Horatia

News (current)

News pages for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Norwood and the Great War

Nottage, Charles George  


Oakwood Press (change of ownership, 2016)

Open House London (Frederick Paine) 2017, 2018


Perpignan Air Disaster (1963)

Prentice, Samuel QC


Raven, Sir Vincent

Raven, Sir Vincent, his final resting place

Reburial of Edith Thompson in the City of London Cemetery (2018)

Reef TV    

Report into UK Funeral Customs (2011)

Rescuing Elaine Falkiner (1995-97)

Restoration of the Lake (Brookwood Cemetery)

Restoration of the Memorial to Jane Senior

Reynolds, William VC

Rhododendron Clearance at Brookwood Cemetery

Ross, William Stewart

Russia Memorial


St Peter’s Church Walworth (Reburials)

Saint Edward the Martyr (book review)

Senior, Jane, Restoration of her Memorial

Service of Dedication to the new memorial to Edith Thompson (1993)

Shadowtracks (W11 Opera)

Sherwood-Kelly, John VC

Smyth, William

Spofforth, Frederick Robert

Stanton, Arthur Henry


Ten Years of the Brookwood Cemetery Society

Thompson, Edith

Thompson, Edith, Reburial in the City of London Cemetery (2018)

Thompson, Edith, Service of Dedication to (1993)

Trouncer, Dr John Henry


VCs at Brookwood Cemetery

The Victorian Cemetery (book review)

Von Franck, Gustav


Warne, Charles

Who’s Buried Where in London (book review)

Wikipedia (comments on editorial policies)

Wikipedia (Reinhard Wentz’s first analysis)

Wikipedia (Reinhard Wentz’s second analysis)

Woking History Journal

Wonders of World Aviation

Wonders of World Engineering

Wright, Wallace Duffield VC


Yorkshire Educational & Social Weekend (2016 meeting)

Site Map